Ever wondered why you’ve fallen so hard and fast for a girl who’s only just started showing you interest? Maybe this is why…

When a girl we’re attracted to touches us, it’s like a physical drug.

Whether it’s a playful punch, casual hug, peck on the cheek or hold of the hand – these moments are insanely impactful, and can make us fall hard and fast.

The Power of Touch

Physical touch isn’t just a gesture; it’s a psychological weapon. When somebody we like touches us, it’s an instant ego boost and validation, which suggests this beautiful creature wants us.

For men who aren’t used to getting too much attention (especially physical) this can blow our brains out 🤯

The Science

When you feel that touch, no matter how small, your brain releases oxytocin (aka the “love hormone.”) 

It’s the same chemical that bonds mothers to their babies, and lovers to each other. So, when somebody you like touches you, your brain goes into overdrive, making you feel connected and quite frankly, hooked!

The Dangers 

Getting touched by somebody we’re attracted to is like a drug. It’s addictive and like all drugs, will make us want to come back for more and more. 

Sounds amazing right? But what if she doesn’t feel the same… Oh sh*t!

I’ve fallen victim to this in the past, without understanding why I like certain girls way more than I should.

It usually happens when you meet an attractive girl on a night out, who’s had a few drinks, and she feels relaxed.

A few days later, she’s no longer interested, but the seed of desire she planted in your head is growing wildly out of control. 

What to Do?

Understanding how powerful touch can be, means you can use it to try to wean yourself off the girl. 

They say “The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else” – and there’s certainly truth to this. 

The more you expose yourself to being touched by attractive women, the more immune you’ll become.

So get yourself back out there. Stop dwelling and replaying things back in your head, and give reasons for more girls to want to touch you!

Visit countries in South East Asia like Thailand and Philippines, as there’s so many beautiful girls here, who are very open to touch. 

Bonus Tip: Learn Kino Escalation, as it will allow you to use the power of touch to your advantage, and have girls falling in love with you.