Learning something new and feeling like you suck at it? Good. That’s normal. Just stick with it, and soon enough, it’ll click.

My First Car: A Love-Hate Story

I loved my first car more than most of my family (sorry, Mum). It gave me freedom, independence, and fun. But at the start, driving was a nightmare. Failed my test twice. Couldn’t keep up with all the shifting gears, speed checks, and paying attention to every little thing. Sound familiar?

Fast forward a year, and I was driving without a second thought. Why? Automaticity—the magic that happens when you do something so much that it becomes automatic.

Why It Works: Neural Plasticity

When you practice, your brain literally rewires itself. Those things that once felt impossible start to feel easy. The more you do it, the less you have to think about it. That’s why you can drive without constantly worrying about gears or speed now.

Key Takeaway

Struggling at first is completely normal. Keep practicing, and over time, what seems hard now will become second nature. Stick with it and keep leveling up. 💪