Not setting clear intentions can cause big f*cking problems.

Whether it’s our dating, relationships, career, or personal goals, ambiguity is the b*tch that leaves us wondering where it all went wrong.

My Experience

Quite recently, I discovered a Chinese phrase called 暧昧 (àimèi) — a state of relationship ambiguity where two shy people like each other but don’t tell the other.

Sounds cute, right?  A bit of mystery can be intriguing and keep things interesting, especially at the start. 

I was absolutely convinced she felt the same way I did, and that little intrigue blinded me to reality. #friendzone

By not being clear with my intentions, the situation dragged on way longer than it needed to. I ended up investing a lot of time and emotion into somebody who didn’t see me in the same way—all because I assumed.

Lesson I learned: Don’t assume. While a touch of mystery can keep things exciting, clarity ensures you’re both on the same page and prevents unnecessary pain and lost time. 

Besides: 🔗Expectations are unhealthy

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
— George Bernard Shaw

Why Ambiguity Sucks and How to Fix It

Problem: It Breeds Misunderstandings

When you don’t express your intentions, people are left to fill in the blanks. This often leads to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

Fix: Be Explicit

State your intentions clearly. Whether it’s asking someone out or proposing a project at work, spell it out. Don’t leave room for misinterpretation. This makes us come across bold, assertive and authentic too, which are attractive traits. Just don’t be a nob about it. 

Problem: Wastes Time and Energy

Ambiguity keeps you stuck in limbo. You waste time overthinking and second-guessing every interaction. 

Fix: Seek Clarity Early

Get to the point quickly. If you’re unsure about where you stand, ask. It’s better to know upfront than to waste weeks or months in uncertainty.

I’m ashamed to admit how much time I’ve wasted overthinking things. What was the point?!

Problem: Damages Relationships

Assumptions can wreck relationships. People may feel misled or manipulated if they realize you weren’t on the same page.

Fix: Open Communication

Encourage open dialogue. Communication is key. Be honest about your feelings and expectations. 

⚠️ Warning (for soppy sods): This is NOT an excuse to tell a girl you love her on the first date. Yes, I’m talking to you needy f*ckers.

The Fog of Ambiguity Effect

Just like driving through fog, navigating life without clear intentions reduces visibility. You can’t see obstacles ahead, and you might crash before you know it. This “Fog of Ambiguity Effect” blinds you to reality, making it impossible to make informed decisions.

Real-World Example: In business, companies that don’t set clear goals often fail. A study by Forbes found that 80% of small businesses without clear objectives don’t make it past the first year.

Applying This to Your Life

In Relationships & Dating

  • Set Clear Expectations: If you’re looking for a serious relationship, say so.
  • Ask Direct Questions: Don’t shy away from asking where the other person stands.
  • Flirt: If you fancy a girl, make it obvious. Unless you want to end up in the #friendzone 

At Work

  • Define Your Role: Make sure you understand what’s expected of you.
  • Clarify Goals: Ensure that project objectives are explicitly stated.

With Friends & Family

  • Express Your Needs: Don’t assume they know what you want.
  • Establish Boundaries: Be upfront about what you’re comfortable with.

Key Takeaways

  • Ambiguity leads to misunderstandings and wasted time.
  • Clear intentions prevent unnecessary confusion.
  • Open communication strengthens relationships.
  • Seeking clarity is a proactive step toward success.
  • Boosts attraction and makes you appear more confident, honest and assertive.

Bottom Line

Stop letting ambiguity f*ck up your life. Set clear intentions, communicate openly, and watch how things start falling into place.


  • “Crucial Conversations” by Kerry Patterson – A guide on effective communication.
  • “Daring Greatly” by Brené Brown – Explores the power of vulnerability.
  • “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek – Understand the importance of clear intentions.